Inferno – Animated Fire Typeface

Inferno – Animated Fire Typeface – Free Download After Effect Templates



Inferno is an animated Fire Typeface perfectly suited for creating Titles, Lower Thirds, and even intros! The letters are all high quality 1500×1500 renders, making large scale projects very easily achievable. Each letter’s duration is 7 sec. You can easily create titles, lower thirds and trailers to your heart’s content.
Prerendered version here: ProRes files (with Alpha Channel) 36 elements

Easy Set-up

The download comes with a special script created for this typeface. This script allows you to quickly generate your words or phrases with one simple click. After you’ve generated the text, you have further options to format your text to your liking. Increase/decrease spacing between letters, randomize letter scale and position, offset animations and more! Be sure to watch the video tutorial to find out everything you need to know!



Music featured in the preview is not included but can be purchased seperately via the link below:
“Freedom In Fire” by SnowMusicStudio

Inferno - Animated Fire Typeface
Download (Zip or Rar file | Fast Speed Download )

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