Alive Tool: Smart Growing System
Alive Tool: Smart Growing System – Free Download After Effects Templates
Reaction Diffusion System in After Effects
Alive Tool is After Effects reaction diffusion system that can simulate animated growth of organic matter. Its a world first and for now only RD system in AE. Alive tool gives you complete control over every aspect of the simulation process.
Getting Started Tutotrial [YouTube Link]
-You can regulate the thickness of the pattern with b/w “Overlay Map” comp
-Control movement vector of different areas with b/w “Vector Map” comp
-Set the form for filling by limiting the growth using b/w “End Shape” comp
-Choose the form from which the growth should happen
-Set an animated layer that would be the source of generation -And all maps and setting could be animated (example “Internal Dialogue”)
36 Presets and Examples
Experiment 2.aep
Grow From logo 1.aep
Logo From Grow 9.aep
Logo Destruction 7.aep
Colorful.aep (in fact they all colorful but i made previews in b/w GIF )
Logo Destruction 3.aep
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